Monday, September 21, 2015

Making the choice to be a #girlboss

Seven months ago I found myself in a financial pickle...if you know anything about me, you know that I love to spend $$$, unfortunately, even when I don't have it!  This was a very difficult realization for me to come to terms with and not to mention the embarrassment and shame that come from the realization that you're broke!  I needed to start earning extra income and FAST, but with an active family and a demanding work schedule, I really wasn't sure how I was going to make it happen.

At this point, I had been a Beachbody "discount coach" for eight months and I continued to hear about and see a lot of my fellow "coaches" making some great cash by doing something that they loved and they were even able to do it from the comfort of their own home and in their PJ's if they wanted to (totally my kind of gig!)  So, last February, I decided to become an official "coach" to start digging myself out of this financial pickle that I put our family in.

I wasn't expecting what I found...I wasn't just motivated by the extra cash that I so desperately needed to make, I truly enjoyed working the business!  It was so positive, uplifting, rewarding and FUN!!  The relationships that I have built by being a coach have been invaluable.  We're all working our own separate businesses, yet, we're pushing one another to meet our goals and to help pick one another up when we fall off of the wagon...yes, this happens to coaches too!!

One of the many great things about this business is that you can work it from anywhere and you can work it as much or as little as you want to or are able and YOU CAN STILL BE SUCCESSFUL!!  You just need to make sure that you're consistent and I promise you, the time you put in will pay for itself!

We all come to the table for a variety of reasons...mine happens to be for financial reasons and no one judges me for that, they just continue to encourage me to be a kick-ass #girlboss!!  I am growing my business everyday and it is helping me to get that financial freedom that I am working for.  I would love for you to join my team!!  All you need is a reason "why"...

Please complete the application below or contact me at to get more information.

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