Monday, October 5, 2015

Become So Much More Challenge

For those of you who've been hearing a lot about the 21 day fix, been watching the infomercials or have been curious about what kind of results you can get from it, you're in luck...IT'S ON SALE THIS MONTH.   Many of you know that I LOVE BEACHBODY PROGRAMS, but the 21 Day Fix is the one who got be back on track the quickest.  It's so simple, it's really only 30 minutes a day and you really get to eat real food (no kidding)!!  Many of my challengers actually say that it's too much food - I promise you that you won't starve!  You'll learn to fuel your body with clean and simple foods and you'll FEEL AMAZING!!

SO...Now is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of this offer and to become so much more...
You can be:
~ Down 5-15 pounds (or even more!)
~ Fitting into your skinny jeans (without the muffin top)
~ Feeling more energized
~ Getting your nutrition back on track (simple nutrition meal ideas/plans)
~ Feeling more confident

So if you're ready to be more, join me in my "So Much More" October Challenge...we start on October 19th! Who's in?? 

To be part of this challenge group, you can't already be working with a Beachbody coach and you choose a challenge pack of your choice (doesn't have to be the 21 Day Fix); that's it!  I'll put you into the challenge group and you'll be supported through the ups and downs for the next 21 day (and beyond - until you reach your goal).

 If you're ready to be more...complete my challenge group application below or email me today at!

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