Saturday, February 28, 2015

Drop A Dress Size for Summer

*This is for women who are not already working with a Beach Body Coach*
March is almost here... THANK GOODNESS! I don't know about all of you but I am so ready for some bright new spring clothes and a little bit warmer weather. I have worn enough dark colors and sweaters! Bring on cute dresses and spring colors! I am excited to be hosting a challenge group this March for those who are looking to slim down with the hopes of maybe dropping a dress or clothes size this spring. I will be hosting an online private support group. In the group, I will provide you with daily motivation, recipes and tips on clean eating and healthy living. Not only will I provide you with this but you will also be surrounded by others who are working on the same goal as you are. I have to say that the support groups seem to be why so many of my challengers are successful. There really is strength in numbers.

The cool part about this months "drop a dress size challenge" is that I will be giving away a prize at the end of the month long challenge. Anyone who "drops a dress size" will be entered into a drawling for a $100.00 VISA gift card to put towards their new spring wardrobe. I can't think of a better prize for someone who has just dropped a dress size. Think new dresses, skirts, shorts, tank tops and BATHING SUITS!!! Seems like a great way to celebrate your hard-work!

We will kick off the challenge on March 16th.  Please fill out the questionnaire below and I will be in touch shortly. I look forward to working with you and teaching you how to drop a dress size in a very short period of time! 

THINK SPRING EVERYONE!!! It can't stay cold forever!

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