Monday, May 18, 2015


It is the end of the school year, your kids are probably very busy with all of their activities (which means that you're busy with them too), the pollen is crazy right now, so you're house is dirty and needs dusted, the laundry is never ending (seriously, how can there be that much laundry?) and the list goes on and on...the point is, there is ALWAYS going to be something that can prevent you from achieving your goals (no matter what they might be), if you let it.  We're all busy, so you have to make your goal and the steps it's going to take to achieve it a priority...schedule it and make it non-negotiable...otherwise, you'll make the excuse and you'll never achieve your goals.  
Make it important and don't make an excuse!

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because with 3 very active daughter, a full time time, a busy husband, and all of the other things we wish we had more time for... it's easy at times to make an excuse:  I'm too tired, I need to put the laundry away, I really need to clean my house, I'm NEVER home!!!  Make sure that you take the time to work on your own personal growth/development weather it's with achieving a life long goal, getting healthier, running that 5K, eating better, getting into that two-piece or that dress you love that's been in the back of your closet. 

For the most part, I'm pretty good about this, however, there are those days where I make an excuse and give in...then I'm kicking myself because I feel like I let myself down.  We're human, so this will happen, but just know, the more excuses you allow yourself to make, the longer it will take you to achieve your goals...  this is also one of the reasons that I find Challenge groups to be SO HELPFUL!

If you're ready to stop making excuses or are in need of some motivation, accountability and support...  please complete the questionnaire below or contact me today at:

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