Friday, May 15, 2015

June 8th Challenge Group!!

School is almost out, the weather is getting warmer and the fun is about to begin!!!  Are you ready to start getting "healthy" and not going on a diet to fit into your summer attire??  I know that I'm still working on making consistent healthy choices and being consistent with my workouts!  A friend told me that you can't out train poor nutrition and you can't really be fit without exercise.  This is so true!  I do great during the week and then fall apart during the weekends and undo all of my hard efforts.  For me, it's about consistency, but for you, it might be about learning how to get started...learn how to do both in just 30 minutes a day with me!  Complete the challenge group questionnaire if you're interested in more information or if you're ready to get started!  Let's do this together!!

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