Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fitness Makeover

Who's with me for the Summer Fitness Makeover??  This group will be geared toward making sure that you get your 30 minutes a day of exercise and eating cleaner.  Pretty simple- huh?  Yep, really, it is :)  Join me on July 13th and you'll be on your way to dropping 10-15 pounds in a month!
When you join me you'll get:
~ motivation
~ support
~ meal planning support/ it's NOT A DIET
~ recipe ideas (family friendly)
~ well have fun
~ You'll Get Results!

When you're in a challenge group, you'll be a member of a private Facebook page where our Fitness Makeover forum will be housed.  The only one who will see you posts will be other challengers.  During the challenge, you'll be required to post DAILY...  What will you post on you ask?  Well, you'll post daily about your success with your nutrition that day, along with how well you did taking in the required amount of water (half of your body weight in ounces), did you get your workout in, and did you drink your Shakeology... easy peasy!!

Also, since there are only 5 days left of the 21 Day Fix sale, anyone who orders any of the 21 Day Fix Programs will be entered into a drawing for Autumn Calobrese's new FixAte cookbook that is being released next month!!

If you need more information, comment below, or complete the questionnaire below. 
Let's do this together!!

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