Wednesday, August 5, 2015

3 Groups in August!!

So...I've been away from social media for a while.  Life at home (which is my first priority) has been crazy, my life at work as been crazy and I've been feeling a little bit overwhelmed - so I decided to unplug for a while.  Now that things are starting to take shape, I'm working with my team to offer 3 different challenges this month.  School will be starting next month, so I want to be running full speed into the new school year.  I'd love to have you all join me for this month to help you get a jump start on the school year too!!

August 10th - August 14th I will offer a FREE clean eating group. This is for anyone who is not currently working with a beachbody coach for anyone who has already been a challenger of mine before and wants to get refocused on clean eating. In that group I will share many tips that I have picked up along my own journey towards living a life of clean eating. In addition to tips and ideas I will also be offering plenty of healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. I will also be sharing with you  a few of my weekly meal plans. Shakeology will not be required however participants are welcome to sign up for a week's supply of it of they wish to give it a try!

August 17th - Will be my 30 day challenge group. I am calling it Busy Women Find A Balance. This group is for the woman who laughs when I suggest starting a new fitness and eating program for fall. Your thinking yeah right honey you should see my calendar and what I am up against for fall, there is no way. The last thing you think you have time for is yourself and something new. I want to challenge you to give it a try anyways. Some of you are getting into new habits and routines for your children why don't you do the same for yourself. I will be right there with you in the trenches as I take on the start of a new school year for myself and my family. I will be coaching you along when it comes to sticking with exercise and clean eating but I will also share my dirty little secrets of a busy working woman. All my secrets that help me keep my head above water I will share with you. I will also be working on some easy meal plans with healthy quick dinner recipes. In addition I will throw in a little bit of healthy lunch box ideas and stress busters. It really will be an overall wellness group both physical and mental. Something that you can't afford not to try. Your health is the most important thing you can invest in. The other stuff really doesn't matter all that much if you don't have your health so let me teach you how to make yourself a priority again.   

August 24th - August 26th - 3 Day Refresh Group
This group is for those who are not ready to commit to being in a month long challenge group but still want a kick in the butt and be able drop a quick 5 - 8 lbs. The 3 day refresh program is meant to help get you back on track if your eating habits have been off. Of course I recommend that you stay on track after you finish the program and work on keeping some great eating habits. But if you need a quick fix, this will be your best option. I was amazed with my own results when I did and it with my husbands when he did it was well.
Please complete the application below to let me know what program that you would like to be a part of and I will be in touch with you!!

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