Friday, April 10, 2015

Inspiring for the health of it!

I started coaching just to cover my Shakeology costs, however, the group was very inspiring for me...I loved interacting with a great bunch of positive women in my coaching groups and within the challenges that I was in.  It was very addicting and I soon found myself wanting to do more with Beachbody.  I am getting ready to start my third challenge group and I absolutely LOVE it!  The interactions are amazing and positive, yet real... people are sticking with the new healthier habits that they started to create and they're seeing the results from never throwing in the towel.

If you would like to add some positivity to your life and would like to be part of an amazingly positive group of woman that enjoys motivating and supporting one another to reach their goals- I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE YOU JOIN OUR TEAM!

Contact me today for more information or complete the coaching application below.  My email is

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.

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