Monday, April 13, 2015

Early Morning Workout

 This morning was a first in a long time for me...yes, that clock reads 5:07 AM and I'm already dressed and ready to push "play". If you know me, I am NOT a morning person and I NEED my sleep or I don't function. Well, I've been running out of hours in the day to get everything in with everyone's practices and my workouts have been taking the back burner...well I decided that this would change this morning (#NOEXCUSES). I got by butt out of bed, pushed play and got my workout in all before I would've normally gotten out of bed and I I'm so glad I did!!
Then...driving to work, while enjoying the healthiest meal of the day, was awesome.  What a great feeling to know that I already got my workout in, my shake was almost gone and knowing that I wouldn't have to try and carve out time tonight for me to get my workout in.  I'm not sure why I don't do this more often :)  Hopefully tomorrow will go the same and my husband won't need dynamite to get me out of bed like he thinks he will!!

What time of day do you prefer to work out??

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