Monday, April 6, 2015

April 20th Challenge Group

Are you feeling tired, unmotivated, like you're simply going thru the motions of life, do you have clothes that you're not fitting into, are you nervous to put on your summer clothes or a swimsuit?  If you've answered YES to ANY of the questions, then you need to contact me today.

I promise you that you will be feeling much healthier and also feel better about yourself after just 21 days!  I would love to have YOU in my next challenge group starting the 20th of April.  There is a cool prize if you bring a friend with you to take the challenge!

Remember, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit...let's create some new habits today!
Are you ready to join my challenge group, or do you need more information.  Please complete the questionnaire below and I'll be in touch.  Or, feel free to send me a friend request on Facebook or send me an email:

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