Monday, October 5, 2015

Become So Much More Challenge

For those of you who've been hearing a lot about the 21 day fix, been watching the infomercials or have been curious about what kind of results you can get from it, you're in luck...IT'S ON SALE THIS MONTH.   Many of you know that I LOVE BEACHBODY PROGRAMS, but the 21 Day Fix is the one who got be back on track the quickest.  It's so simple, it's really only 30 minutes a day and you really get to eat real food (no kidding)!!  Many of my challengers actually say that it's too much food - I promise you that you won't starve!  You'll learn to fuel your body with clean and simple foods and you'll FEEL AMAZING!!

SO...Now is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of this offer and to become so much more...
You can be:
~ Down 5-15 pounds (or even more!)
~ Fitting into your skinny jeans (without the muffin top)
~ Feeling more energized
~ Getting your nutrition back on track (simple nutrition meal ideas/plans)
~ Feeling more confident

So if you're ready to be more, join me in my "So Much More" October Challenge...we start on October 19th! Who's in?? 

To be part of this challenge group, you can't already be working with a Beachbody coach and you choose a challenge pack of your choice (doesn't have to be the 21 Day Fix); that's it!  I'll put you into the challenge group and you'll be supported through the ups and downs for the next 21 day (and beyond - until you reach your goal).

 If you're ready to be more...complete my challenge group application below or email me today at!

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Monday, September 21, 2015

Making the choice to be a #girlboss

Seven months ago I found myself in a financial pickle...if you know anything about me, you know that I love to spend $$$, unfortunately, even when I don't have it!  This was a very difficult realization for me to come to terms with and not to mention the embarrassment and shame that come from the realization that you're broke!  I needed to start earning extra income and FAST, but with an active family and a demanding work schedule, I really wasn't sure how I was going to make it happen.

At this point, I had been a Beachbody "discount coach" for eight months and I continued to hear about and see a lot of my fellow "coaches" making some great cash by doing something that they loved and they were even able to do it from the comfort of their own home and in their PJ's if they wanted to (totally my kind of gig!)  So, last February, I decided to become an official "coach" to start digging myself out of this financial pickle that I put our family in.

I wasn't expecting what I found...I wasn't just motivated by the extra cash that I so desperately needed to make, I truly enjoyed working the business!  It was so positive, uplifting, rewarding and FUN!!  The relationships that I have built by being a coach have been invaluable.  We're all working our own separate businesses, yet, we're pushing one another to meet our goals and to help pick one another up when we fall off of the wagon...yes, this happens to coaches too!!

One of the many great things about this business is that you can work it from anywhere and you can work it as much or as little as you want to or are able and YOU CAN STILL BE SUCCESSFUL!!  You just need to make sure that you're consistent and I promise you, the time you put in will pay for itself!

We all come to the table for a variety of reasons...mine happens to be for financial reasons and no one judges me for that, they just continue to encourage me to be a kick-ass #girlboss!!  I am growing my business everyday and it is helping me to get that financial freedom that I am working for.  I would love for you to join my team!!  All you need is a reason "why"...

Please complete the application below or contact me at to get more information.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

It's A Sisterhood

I absolutely LOVE my new sisters!!  They are upbeat, positive, driven and are exactly the kind of people that ANYONE would want to surround themselves with!

When I decided to actually work the beachbody business, it was because I found myself in a financial pickle (which I'm still working through).  Beachbody was and is a way for me to help get my finances back on track, but it has also given me SO MUCH has connected me with AMAZING women that I might not have otherwise crossed paths with and honestly, my life is much better that they are in it!

The pictures above are from various 'team' events that we have come together for, but aside from just working with my team, I have gained so many new friendships through my challenge groups as well as rekindled some friendships that had fizzled over time.

If you are in need of some positivity in your life (I don't know who doesn't), you want to develop new relationships with some amazing women, get great products at a discount and of course earn extra income along the way, then YOU ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO JOIN MY TEAM!!  You will be so glad that you did.

Please fill out the questionnaire below or contact me today to either get started or to get more information.  Don't worry about not knowing how to run a business, awesome training is available to you from the best in the company and you'll be supported 100% along the way!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Back to school for YOU too!!

Here in Central PA, when the Grange Fair is upon us, school is right around the corner... that means, the final days of summer are spent shopping for school clothes and supplies for your kiddos before they're headed back to school all day.  

For some of you, this means that your house will once again be orderly and quiet during the day and for others it means that your life gets back to some sort of structure that lacked during the summer months.  For my family, I'm glad to have the structure back as EVERYONE in my house is much happier with it (though don't tell my husband...he preaches structure and I somehow prevent it from consistently happening!)

Even with the structure back in our life, it's still crazy...three girls (2 are in sports right now), my husband coaches our local high school football team and I am still working full time - all while continuing with my daily workouts, personal development and running my part-time Beachbody business...I wouldn't have it any other way, as I'm so thankful for how I feel and for the various opportunities Beachbody has provided to me.  

The key to me surviving this craziness is laugh because I'm a sometimes planner, though I'm getting better (I do recognize this, so it should count for something).  When I plan out my day, meals, clothes, my posts, etc., OUR lives run much more smoother, I'm happier, the girls and my husband have the required structure they thrive on and I've still managed to have some "me" time to help keep me sane.

How do you manage the craziness?  Are you a planner?  Are you a winger?  Are you a combination?  What do you do to keep you sane and balanced?  Do you plan for that too or just hope you get to it during the day?  Again, I bounce between the two, though I am aware that when I plan, I feel less stressed.

So now that I've gotten the kids taken care of for school and as I begin to prepare how I'm going to tackle the crazy fall schedules of everyone, I'm thinking that I need to make sure that I make time for me. While getting myself back on track, I would like to help you learn to make time for "you" too!  

People often look at their schedules and think that there is no way that there is time left for them to take care of themselves...well, I beg to just have to figure out if you're a priority to "you"...if you are, then you'll make it happen.  

I would like to run a special challenge group starting September 14th for anyone who thinks that they're too busy to make their health and fitness a priority.  We are all unique in our own way, we have our own physical abilities, and we each have a preference in the activities that we enjoy doing as well...  Thankfully, Beachbody recognizes this as well.  There are oodles of different programs to choose from.  The programs range from high impact, to low impact, to somewhere in the middle.  Some programs use weights, resistance bands and some will use only body weight.  Programs also range from 10 minutes up to 90 minutes, so really the possibilities are endless and there should be no EXCUSE as to why you can't make YOU a priority...

So, I am extending an invitation to all of my previous challengers and to anyone who doesn't already have a Beachbody coach to join me in my special challenge group - "Making ME a Priority".  This challenge will start on September 14th.  If you would like to learn more about what a challenge group is, have any questions about any of the programs, or are ready to commit, contact me today!!  Complete the questionnaire below and I will be in touch with you soon.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

3 Groups in August!!

So...I've been away from social media for a while.  Life at home (which is my first priority) has been crazy, my life at work as been crazy and I've been feeling a little bit overwhelmed - so I decided to unplug for a while.  Now that things are starting to take shape, I'm working with my team to offer 3 different challenges this month.  School will be starting next month, so I want to be running full speed into the new school year.  I'd love to have you all join me for this month to help you get a jump start on the school year too!!

August 10th - August 14th I will offer a FREE clean eating group. This is for anyone who is not currently working with a beachbody coach for anyone who has already been a challenger of mine before and wants to get refocused on clean eating. In that group I will share many tips that I have picked up along my own journey towards living a life of clean eating. In addition to tips and ideas I will also be offering plenty of healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. I will also be sharing with you  a few of my weekly meal plans. Shakeology will not be required however participants are welcome to sign up for a week's supply of it of they wish to give it a try!

August 17th - Will be my 30 day challenge group. I am calling it Busy Women Find A Balance. This group is for the woman who laughs when I suggest starting a new fitness and eating program for fall. Your thinking yeah right honey you should see my calendar and what I am up against for fall, there is no way. The last thing you think you have time for is yourself and something new. I want to challenge you to give it a try anyways. Some of you are getting into new habits and routines for your children why don't you do the same for yourself. I will be right there with you in the trenches as I take on the start of a new school year for myself and my family. I will be coaching you along when it comes to sticking with exercise and clean eating but I will also share my dirty little secrets of a busy working woman. All my secrets that help me keep my head above water I will share with you. I will also be working on some easy meal plans with healthy quick dinner recipes. In addition I will throw in a little bit of healthy lunch box ideas and stress busters. It really will be an overall wellness group both physical and mental. Something that you can't afford not to try. Your health is the most important thing you can invest in. The other stuff really doesn't matter all that much if you don't have your health so let me teach you how to make yourself a priority again.   

August 24th - August 26th - 3 Day Refresh Group
This group is for those who are not ready to commit to being in a month long challenge group but still want a kick in the butt and be able drop a quick 5 - 8 lbs. The 3 day refresh program is meant to help get you back on track if your eating habits have been off. Of course I recommend that you stay on track after you finish the program and work on keeping some great eating habits. But if you need a quick fix, this will be your best option. I was amazed with my own results when I did and it with my husbands when he did it was well.
Please complete the application below to let me know what program that you would like to be a part of and I will be in touch with you!!

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

The Release of FIXATE!!

I'm so EXCITED for the arrival of this cookbook!!  One of my favorite parts about the 21 Day Fix was that it taught me how about portion control...I knew that I ate a lot, but I wasn't too worried about it because it was pretty healthy...well, my first week just following the meal plan, I lost 3 pounds alone.

You can workout like crazy and then undo all of your hard work by eating too much of the wrong stuff.  You'll never hear me say not to eat something if you want it or if you're craving it, just remember, it's all about moderation.    

Not only was tracking the correct portion sizes easy, but the recipes that were in the program were also easy AND they were family friendly - which is a must in our house.  I refuse to make separate meals.  We all eat the same thing!  (If you don't eat your dinner, no dessert for you - this usually motivates them to eat :) )  I can't wait to get more healthy, quick and easy meal ideas that we can all enjoy together.

From now until the end of July, anyone who purchases ANY challenge packs from me will receive your very own copy of FixAte for FREE!!  Many of the beachbody programs follow the 21 Day Fix meal plan, so you could still use these recipes and container break downs for your program of choice!
If you don't want to get this awesome cookbook for free, but would rather purchase it yourself, then you click HERE to order.  If you'd like to join a challenge group and get it for FREE, please take a minute to complete the questionnaire.

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Exclusive Test Group Opportunity

I want YOU to join my CIZE test group!!

  This new program is going to make the “non-dancers” dance! Shaun T doesn’t believe in the words “I Can’t” and certainly not ending it with DANCE. He is going to show you step by step how you can make exercise FUN by incorporating dance moves that leaving you dripping in sweat and with a smile on your face. He is going to teach you choreography so you can have FUN working out and getting in shape while doing so!

Shaun T CIZE Workout Overview

In each routine, Shaun breaks down the moves step-by-step and builds them into a full dance routine. So even if you don’t know how to dance, you can learn all the moves. While you are learning to master the dance moves, you’ll also be burning calories and working up a sweat! This workout is for EVERY fitness level. There is no equipment required.

If you like fitness classes like Zumba, you will love this workout. It really is something that anyone can do. And don’t worry if you feel like you can’t dance because he will TEACH you how to dance and how to have fun doing it!

The Cize Shaun T program will be launched on DVD in July 20th, 2015 at the Annual Beachbody Coach Summit!

Cize, Shaun T, the butterfly effect, dance workout, change one thing change everything, vanessamc246, Who is Shaun T, Insanity
How long are the workouts?
The workouts range from 35 – 40 minutes in length. You wont even realize that you are working
out because you’ll be learning dance moves and having fun while grooving to the beat.

How long is the program?
4 weeks

What kind of music is in Cize?
Cize is choreographed to the latest pop music that Shaun T has hand picked and selected to keep your body moving!

How is Cize different than Hip Hop Abs or Rockin Body?
Cize will be different than Shaun T’s previous dance workouts like Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Body. The music and moves are all brand new and have all been updated to be more current with today’s style. Cize is all about the music!! In addition, Hip Hop Abs was not really focused on teaching you choreography. Shaun T is really focusing on showing you move to move, piecing it all together into a great routine for anyone to do!

Will Cize be available on Beachbody on Demand?
No, Cize will not be released on Beachbody on Demand. However, for those that purchase the workout and are also a premium Club member, it will be available in your Beachbody on Demand “Purchased Programs” library.

Who is Cize for? 
Cize, Shaun T, the butterfly effect, dance workout, change one thing change everything, vanessamc246, Who is Shaun T, InsanityBeginnerYou don't love anything that feels like a workout, but you also wouldn't call yourself a dancer... (unless it involves a couple of drinks at your best friend's wedding).
These participants are new to working out or haven't worked out in awhile and are looking to begin a workout and nutritional plan. The goal of this program is weight loss, lower blood pressure, and learn more about healthy living, but to stick with it, IT HAS TO BE FUN! These participants will be following the beginner portion of the program. These participants will be working exclusively with me!

Advanced: These participants have some background in dance and are ready to move at a faster pace. It's easy for you to pick up choreography, and you love the challenge of a new program! You are looking to dust off your dancing shoes, lose weight, tone up, or get back into working out! You need your workout to be FUN! You will be working with a trained dancer, Taylor Molitierno, to really focus on the mastering the moves and your nutrition!

If any of these categories describe you, then I WOULD LOVE FOR you to participate right along with me. Here's what you get:
  • Daily accountability
  • Nutritional plan
  • Recipes
  • Tips and motivation
  • Opportunity to win $500
 Fill out this form to be a part of my team's exclusive test group!!

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