Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I think sometimes we need a little reminder that we are in fact, the only one in charge of our own personal happiness and successes. If you don't like the direction of how things are going, YOU have to do something to change the direction. If you aren't being as successful as you want to be, what do YOU have to do differently? If you're not happy, what is it that YOU need to change...YOU'RE the only one in charge of YOU and all of YOUR outcomes! YOU got this!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I wanted to share a few comments from a few of my 21 Day Fix challengers.  Many of these comments are after only 1 round (21 Days) of following a cleaner meal plan with incorporating daily 30 minute exercises.  These are real women, who are not perfect and who had ups and downs in their journey, but who also stuck with it and were happy with their results.

If you're struggling with a few extra pounds or 40 extra pounds, or you're just not happy in your own skin, take it from these can be done and you can start to feel better about yourself and you will also start to physically feel better too. 

Why not be the next transformation story?  Why not you?

If you're interested in starting a new healthier journey, please contact me today!

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Monday, May 18, 2015


It is the end of the school year, your kids are probably very busy with all of their activities (which means that you're busy with them too), the pollen is crazy right now, so you're house is dirty and needs dusted, the laundry is never ending (seriously, how can there be that much laundry?) and the list goes on and on...the point is, there is ALWAYS going to be something that can prevent you from achieving your goals (no matter what they might be), if you let it.  We're all busy, so you have to make your goal and the steps it's going to take to achieve it a priority...schedule it and make it non-negotiable...otherwise, you'll make the excuse and you'll never achieve your goals.  
Make it important and don't make an excuse!

This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart because with 3 very active daughter, a full time time, a busy husband, and all of the other things we wish we had more time for... it's easy at times to make an excuse:  I'm too tired, I need to put the laundry away, I really need to clean my house, I'm NEVER home!!!  Make sure that you take the time to work on your own personal growth/development weather it's with achieving a life long goal, getting healthier, running that 5K, eating better, getting into that two-piece or that dress you love that's been in the back of your closet. 

For the most part, I'm pretty good about this, however, there are those days where I make an excuse and give in...then I'm kicking myself because I feel like I let myself down.  We're human, so this will happen, but just know, the more excuses you allow yourself to make, the longer it will take you to achieve your goals...  this is also one of the reasons that I find Challenge groups to be SO HELPFUL!

If you're ready to stop making excuses or are in need of some motivation, accountability and support...  please complete the questionnaire below or contact me today at:

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Friday, May 15, 2015

June 8th Challenge Group!!

School is almost out, the weather is getting warmer and the fun is about to begin!!!  Are you ready to start getting "healthy" and not going on a diet to fit into your summer attire??  I know that I'm still working on making consistent healthy choices and being consistent with my workouts!  A friend told me that you can't out train poor nutrition and you can't really be fit without exercise.  This is so true!  I do great during the week and then fall apart during the weekends and undo all of my hard efforts.  For me, it's about consistency, but for you, it might be about learning how to get started...learn how to do both in just 30 minutes a day with me!  Complete the challenge group questionnaire if you're interested in more information or if you're ready to get started!  Let's do this together!!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


For #‎TastyTuesdayTip‬ I wanted to share a great strategy to help keep your snacking as healthy as possible.  We all snack (especially if we're low on willpower that day, so instead of heading for your favorite bag of chips or Doritos, go to your snack drawer in your fridge instead!

I want you to create a snack drawer in your fridge with guiltless when you're having a snack attack, you have quick, healthy options that won't undo all of your hard work!

Comment below what you would put into your snack drawer...

Christina Manning's photo.

Monday, May 11, 2015

21 Day Fix Approved Snack Ideas

21 Day Fix Snack Ideas

No potato chips, no cheese doodles, no oreos, no donuts? What will you ever do when those in-between meals hunger pains hit? First of all, you do not need to worry…not on the 21 Day Fix plan (remember, it's not a diet!!).

Instead of reaching for the unhealthy stuff, you will eat healthy, whole food-based snacks that are still as tasty as the processed junk you may or may not be used to.
Here is a list of 18  21 Day Fix plan-approved snacks to help get you started, so you never need to worry about being hungry.

21 day fix snack ideas

1. Peanut Butter Apple: For a little energy and a suprisingly filling snack, spread 2 tsp natural peanut butter on a sliced small apple. Equals 1 purple, 1 tsp

2. Fancy Oats:  Curb your sweet tooth with a filling snack – steel cut oats topped with unsweetened shredded coconut. Equals 1 yellow, 1 orange

3. The Greek Berry: For those missing their fruit-filled yogurt, add blueberries to Greek yogurt. For a cooler treat, freeze the berries first for one hour before adding to your yogurt. Equals 1 red, 1 purple

4. Egg Sandwich: For those run out the door in the morning, place two hard-boiled eggs, halved and on a piece of whole wheat toast, folded in half. Equals 1 red, 1 yellow

5. Coffee Crush: This is my coffee coolatta replacement. Blend one cup of iced coffee with one scoop of chocolate protein powder. Equals 1 red

6. Almond Butter Waffle: Here’s another quick snack that keeps you full. Spread 2 tsp almond butter on a whole grain waffle (kashi waffles are my fave and very easy to find.) Equals 1 yellow, 2 tsp

7.  Simple Egg Scramble: In just 4 minutes, you can have a well-balanced snack. Heat 1 tsp coconut oil in a frying pan, add in mixed frozen vegetables, and crack two eggs on top of them. Mix with a spatula until eggs are cooked through. Equals 1 green, 1 red1 tsp

8. Pineapple & Cottage Cheese: A unique combination that is sweet and tasty. Mix sliced pineapple with 2% cottage cheese for a light and healthy snack. Equals 1 red,  1 purple

9. Banana Creamiscle: Blend one half of a banana with unsweetened almond milk. Put the mixture in the freezer for an hour prior to chill, and then enjoy…yummy! Equals 1 purple, 1 yellow

10. Tuna and Hot Sauce: The hot sauce kills all of that over-fishy taste, and you are left with a high protein snack that will make your coworkers ask what you’re eating. Drain one can of tuna fish and top with Tobasco sauce  to taste. Equals 1 red

11. Healthier Egg McMuffin: Can’t imagine not enjoying your McMuffine every morning? While you may not be able to enjoy McDonald’s version, you definitely can have this one as a snack or get creative and make it a meal by adding a lean protein to the sandwich. Fry one whole egg in one tsp cocnut oil and place on half of a whole grain English muffin. Equals one-half red, 1 yellow, 1 tsp

12. Kale Chips: Another one of my faves…the healthiest green potato chip you will ever eat. De-stem and tear kale into bite size pieces, then add a tsp of extra virgin olive oil. Lay pieces flat on a cookie sheet sprinkle withyour favorite spices. I like cayenne pepper. Bake at 400° for 20 minutes, flipping halfway through. Equals 1 green, 1 tsp

13. Beef or Turkey Jerkey: An easy-to-carry high protein snack. When choosing a jerky, make sure to look at the ingredients list and choose one that does not contain monosodium glutamate. Just be careful with jerky as lots are extremely high in sodium. Equals 1 red

14. Mixed Nuts: Nuts are a great source of healthy fats, and they travel well. What I like to do is buy a bag of almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, and mix them together on my own. Remember, unsalted nuts only! Equals 1 blue

15.  Banana and Peanut Butter on Toast: A favorite from my childhood, spread 1 tsp of peanut butter on whole wheat toast and top with a half of a banana, sliced. Equals 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 tsp

16. Almond Butter Strawberry Sandwich: No jam, no worries. Spread 1 tsp of almond butter on half a piece of whole grain bread, layer with strawberry slices and fold in half. Equals 1 yellow, 1 purple, 1 tsp

17. Baked Apple: Core and then cut your apple in half, dust with cinnamon. Place on baking sheet center side up at 400°  for 15 minutes or until the apple becomes slighty tender. Equals 1 purple

18. Red Pepper with Goat Cheese: This is super yummy if you enjoy goat cheese, which I happen to love.  Take raw, fresh red pepper slices and top with crumpled goat cheese. Equals 1 green, 1 blue

Get Creative

I hope this list of eighteen 21 Day Fix-approved snacks has given you some ideas as to what you will be able to eat between meals. The key is be a little creative when you’re eating healthy and make things that are not only good for you, but taste good, too. You can even continue to use these healthy snack ideas long after you’ve finished the 21 Day Fix to keep living a healthier lifestyle.

The Fix is a whole foods meal plan that cuts out the nasty stuff, including processed sugar, white flour, and salt. However, this just proves you can still have foods that are full of flavor and contain the nutrients your body needs for optimal health.

What are your favorite 21 Day Fix snacks? Please leave a comment below.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Frozen Mint Cholate Shake

A Refreshing Treat for a Hot Day

This recipe is oh-so-simple, yet oh-soooooo tasty. Tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream!

Frozen Mint Chocolate (163 calories)
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology®
1 cup water
1 cup ice
⅛ tsp. mint extract

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 11 Challenge Group

I've never been a fan of bathing suit season or short season for that matter!  I would be what you consider pear shape and I carry all of my extra weight across my rump and in my thighs...I'm not one to care what size things are, as long as they fit good and look nice, but it's so hard to find apparel that fits my legs and rump, but that doesn't gap at the waist- it's so frustrating!!  I'm totally OK with being pear shape as long as things are where they're supposed to be (gravity is starting to work against me!) and as long as they are smooth looking and defined!!

The only way to get the smooth, defined look is to eat cleaner and to make sure that you're getting your workouts in.  Beachbody has a lot of great programs to offer and they are now aware of how busy everyone's lives are, so they have a ton of 30 minute workouts that give really awesome results.

You CAN find 30 minutes a day to become a healthier, more smooth and defined you!  My next challenge group starts on May 11.  You'll want to join the challenge group so that you can get free accountability, motivation, meal plan ideas and support!  Contact me today to help figure out what program is best for you!!

Online contact and registration forms from Wufoo.