Friday, June 26, 2015

You can get there!

I love this!  We all have goals and dreams that we would like to achieve some day.  They could be health and fitness related, or they could be financial, career based, etc.  As we go through life, we see those who have what we want and we might feel that we could never have that for one reason or another...well, you may not be there YET, but that doesn't mean you CAN'T get there.  Figure out your path to get where you want to be and make it happen and be OK with being closer to your goal/dream than you were the day won't happen over night.

We live in a world of instant gratification now and this is difficult concept to wrap our head around.  If we do not achieve immediate success, we deem ourselves as failures.  Change your mindset and find the short-term wins as you travel through your journey!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fitness Makeover

Who's with me for the Summer Fitness Makeover??  This group will be geared toward making sure that you get your 30 minutes a day of exercise and eating cleaner.  Pretty simple- huh?  Yep, really, it is :)  Join me on July 13th and you'll be on your way to dropping 10-15 pounds in a month!
When you join me you'll get:
~ motivation
~ support
~ meal planning support/ it's NOT A DIET
~ recipe ideas (family friendly)
~ well have fun
~ You'll Get Results!

When you're in a challenge group, you'll be a member of a private Facebook page where our Fitness Makeover forum will be housed.  The only one who will see you posts will be other challengers.  During the challenge, you'll be required to post DAILY...  What will you post on you ask?  Well, you'll post daily about your success with your nutrition that day, along with how well you did taking in the required amount of water (half of your body weight in ounces), did you get your workout in, and did you drink your Shakeology... easy peasy!!

Also, since there are only 5 days left of the 21 Day Fix sale, anyone who orders any of the 21 Day Fix Programs will be entered into a drawing for Autumn Calobrese's new FixAte cookbook that is being released next month!!

If you need more information, comment below, or complete the questionnaire below. 
Let's do this together!!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

21 Day Fix Programs Sale!!!

I've always been addicted to Beachbody, but this is the program that really got me going...the workouts are only 30 minutes and there is a modifier (who is often a Godsend) for each exercise for every workout.  This is the case for the original 21 Day Fix as well as the 21 Day Fix Extreme programs.  The eating plan is truly simple (it teaches you about portion control while still eating the foods you love, but it also introduces you to some healthier alternatives that are actually yummy!  Best of all, this is NOT A DIET :)  Contact me today or complete for form below if you'd like to take advantage of this great sale!

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015



Spinach, Egg, Avocado Roll

1 yellow - 1 red - 1 green - 1 blue


Cook 2 large eggs, place them on 1 flat out flax seed wrap, top with spinach and 1/4 of an avocado.  Roll up and cup in half to eat.  Pair with your favorite fruit.  This is a great anytime meal!



Monday, June 15, 2015

Next Challenge

SUMMER IS FINALLY HERE!!  ARE YOU READY??  I still have some work to do and I would like do it with YOU over the next 21 days!!  This challenge is perfect for you if you are ready to get back to a healthy lifestyle or start one! This will be based on the goals you & I set together.  They can be either nutrition, exercise, or flexibility based...heck, you could decide you want them to be a combination!!  That's what's so great about these challenge groups, there is no set script for anyone.  You are the driver, the challenge group is just the vehicle to get you there.

It takes 21 days to break habits and make new ones.  I hope you're up for the challenge- you won't be sorry that you took it!! 

For those of you interested in trying either of the 21 Day Fix programs, they are currently $20 off this month, so there is really no better time to get started!!

To reserve your spot today, click on the link below!

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Results Are In!

People think it's impossible to do the 3 Day Refresh and can't understand why I would want to do that to myself...well, here's why I NEEDED to do it...

I'm a TOTAL STRESS EATER and I was getting out of control!  I was out eating all of my hard work that I was putting in - which just frustrates me even more!  So...I NEEDED to do the 3 Day Refresh to get my eating back under control, rid myself of any toxins that was dragging me down.  It makes me think about what I'm eating and drinking and how I feel when I fuel my body with healthier options and not junk!

This was my second time around doing the 3 Day Refresh.  The first time, I didn't really plan for it and it showed in my results.  This time, I went shopping for the food I planned to eat for each snack and meal and prepped it ahead of time.  See what I ate on my journey below.

Day 1 of 3 Day Refresh

This was what I ate for breakfast, morning snack, lunch and my afternoon snack.  Below is what I ate for dinner.  This was my favorite dinner of them all!  The steamed coconut veggies were super delicious.  I did have everything but my dinner ate by 11:30 and I was starving...luckily I found my peach that I had forgotten about :) 

Day 2 of 3 Day Refresh

 This morning, I was down only .4 pounds - ugh!

 This salad was huge!  It was so filling that I had a hard time eating all of it.  

Day 3 of 3 Day Refresh

 This morning I was down a total of 2.8 pounds!!
The final day of the 3 Day Refresh!!  Woot Woot!!  This was great day of food during the day (I did have a piece of retirement cake before lunch and a glass of wine next to the pool to celebrate the end of the school year), but my dinner was super tiny (in my opinion).  The Asparagus was delicious, but 8 medium pieces with some almonds isn't really what I looked forward to...I'll make the asparagus that way as a side, but never as a main course :)  I'm also really glad that today is the last day of the Vanilla Fresh.  I know many people who've done the 3 Day Refresh won't believe this, but I think I prefer the Fiber Sweep over the Vanilla Fresh...I can hear the gasps now!!!  I'm very excited to see the final results in the morning.


The morning after the 3 Day Refresh

 Down a total of 3.8 pounds in 3 days!!
Now I need to continue on my journey of cleaner eating!

Can you see the difference 3.8 pounds makes??

If you're interested in learning more about the 3 Day Refresh contact me today or comment below!

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Semi-Annual Sale Is Here

AGH!!  I almost missed it!  Check out the Beachbody Sale that started JUST NOW!  Follow this link to get to my page and click SHOP then SUMMER SALE.
I love sales!  I love a deal!  I cannot believe I almost forgot about it! Log in to Beachbody or create an account by following the link above. Once you are logged in you will select "shop" on the top right hand side, then select "shop all products", then on the left hand tabs, select "summer sale".  From there, you will be able to view all of the products that are on sale! There is equipment, clothing, workouts and MORE!

Also as a reminder, ALL 21 Day Fix Programs are $20.00 OFF this month!!  Now is the time to purchase it if you were thinking about it!

I am shopping RIGHT NOW! A Beachbody Sale does not happen often!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Day 2 of the 3 Day Refresh

Look at all of this food I got to eat today!!  I spread out my lunch items today and that seemed to help with curbing my afternoon cravings.  I think that I'll try that again tomorrow.  I was a much happier person today :) 

If you've noticed, I'm somewhat a creature of habit.  I only changed up the flavor of my Shakeology and dinner today...all else was the same.  I don't know about you, but why change up a good thing.

Monday, June 8, 2015

3 Day Refresh - Day 1

Here is what I prepared to take with me to work for Day 1 of the 3 Day Refresh. 

I blended the Chocolate Shakeology and Banana to drink on my way to work. I then blended the Fiber Sweep with some ice and then the Vanilla Fresh with a dash of Cinnamon. Planning these ahead of time will keep me on track today. Stay tuned to see what's for dinner... I'm thinking it's going to be Coconut Steamed Veggies with another Vanilla Fresh.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Cize on Demand for Free

Just tried this tonight...I love to dance, but I looked like I had one too many adult beverages before hand. You get a glimpse of me in action if you're luck enough to be in one of my current challenge groups...I definitely got a great cardio workout in dancing my butt off though! If you love to dance, you should go try the sneak peak workout on Beachbody on Demand for FREE today! Let me know what you think after you try it.

If you enjoyed the workout (even though you may not look like Shaun T) go to my website and complete the box above to find out when you can purchase it or better yet, WIN IT FOR FREE!!


This is a beautiful busy momma of 3 active girls.  She made a choice that she wanted to get healthier.  On April 6th, she began her journey to get more healthy.  She has exceeded what she originally thought was possible and absolutely loves the 21 Day Fix program.  She has also fallen in love with early morning workouts and Shakeology!  They help her feel great as she takes on the day and she's grumpy when she misses her workout!!  So proud of this beauty for making time for her health!!

If you want to start improving your health, compete the challenge questionnaire below.

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