Friday, March 20, 2015

Do you have what it takes to be a Beach Body Coach?

A few months ago, I signed up to be a discount coach...this is a coach who doesn't try to grow their business, rather receive (what I consider) to be the best home workout programs and super food protein shakes (Shakeology) in the world at a discounted cost (25% of a discount)!  After getting a sneak peak into what it would be like to be a working coach (one that earns 25% commission off of sales from my TeamBeachBody site), I decided to work my Beach Body business to just cover the monthly cost of Shakeology (which I did- so it's like I'm getting it for FREE).  


Because I LOVE ALL Beach Body products sooo much, it only made sense for me to get them as cheap as I could...  Little did I know that I would have so much fun learning from some of the most fantastic women I've ever met and LOVE helping people become healthier while running my own challenge groups and having the daily interactions with them.  


I have never been so excited about doing something...which is both exciting and scary.   I'm still getting the feel for the "business" aspect of it, but I can't stop wanting to connect with people who want to start making a healthier lifestyle change.  Since this is new for me, I'm still learning, but I'm also finding myself constantly thinking about things I could do to help others, work the business and how I could make personal improvements for myself.


From what I have been able to tell in my few months as a coach, Beach Body is a fantastic company to be a part of with AMAZING people willing to help you out at any time!  If you love fitness, Shakeology, are interested in making an extra income or are interested in being your own boss, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the upcoming 5 day sneak peak into Beach Body coaching to see if it's for you.


Here is what I will be offering... For five days next week (March 23-27), I will be running a free 5 day sneak peak into coaching.  It will give you the opportunity to see what my new passion is and maybe decide if it is for you. The beauty of this business is you can make it exactly what you want. You can call it a hobby or you can simply be a coach for the discount but you get to decided that, not me. There is beauty in being your own boss.  There are no strings attached, if it's not for you then it's not for you.  It takes a driven person to come out on top in this business! I, with the help of the #1 team in the business, will train anyone who thinks they have what it takes.

Please fill out this application below if you would like to be added into my sneak peak group!


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