Monday, March 30, 2015

Never Miss A Monday

Today I decided to do the Total Body Cardio Fix...however, it was 9:30 PM when I started it!  Not really what I would like to have been doing at 9:30 on a Monday night, but I needed to get it in!  For whatever reason, I've not been following my meal plans (way too many handfuls of m&m's) and I was making excuses that the softball practice I did with my daughter should count as my workout.

Well tonight, that came to a stop- I wanted to start the week off right.  Even though it wasn't what I would have preferred to have been doing at that time, I was glad that I pushed play and got it in!  If I don't make changes, I won't see the changes that I'm after! 

I don't think that I've ever met anyone who was mad that pushed play.  When you start the week off right, you're less apt to allow yourself to make excuses for skipping workouts later in the week.

Hold yourself accountable (if you can't get a coach- I know a great one ;)), make no excuses and NEVER EVER MISS A MONDAY!

If you need someone to keep you accountable and provide support to you.  Consider joining my next challenge group.  For more information, please complete the form below.

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